
Information about Dave Meeker the artist


Dave Meeker

Photo by Randall Whitehead


Are we too cynical? I feel that I am at times, so I use my art to counter the cynic in me and create objects that bring me – and I hope you – wonder, joy, and delight. I try to cast off the dirty glasses of familiarity and boredom and see things in a new light. If you look at one of my pieces and have a preconceived idea of what you are seeing but on closer inspection discover something different then I’ve shared some of that wonder and delight with you. I like that moment of flipping “I thought it was that, but it is really this” – ideas vibrating back and forth in the brain. I hope this effect stays with you after you leave the gallery. The longer I can sustain that vibration the better. Walk out into the world and see things in new ways. Allow preconceived ideas to fall away. Seek out the wonder, joy and delight. With all my work I’m not trying to change the world, just you. If I can wake you up to the delight that surrounds us, I’ve done my job. Dave Meeker was born in San Jose California. He graduated with a BA in fine arts from San Francisco State in 1984. After a twenty-year hiatus from making art, Dave started fifteen years ago with a new found urgency in making. He currently lives in Portland OR.

CV available upon request.